Friday, February 11, 2011

The Qin Dynasty: When

The Qin Dynasty took place in the years 221-206, far before your great-great-great grandparents, television, video games, telephones, flush toilets, cars, and most things we have today. It's hard to imagine what this civilization looked like. Here's a hint. First remember they didn't have great big houses, air conditioning, and those such things. Houses back then were very small. People didn't have cars or motorcycles to get around. They got around the old fashion way. And I mean old. People rode around in carts pulled by horses. And they had dirt roads. So next time you're complaining that the car is to hot or cold just remember, back then, there was no air conditioning, no heating, no roof, and the roads weren't nice and paved over like the roads now days. Luckily, they standardized how long the axle was and the road width so everyone could travel on the roads. They didn't have plumbing back then and they didn't have hoses to go out and water the crops they grew. They had irrigation canals. These would carry the water to certain places that needed water, though it was a lot of work to dig these. So now you have a hint on what life was like, far, far, far back in the "good ole days."

1 comment:

  1. Great voice in your writing! You are such a great writer. That was crazy though that they didn't have anything like a car, i don't think i could survive in ancient china!.
